The Digital Woodland: Open Evening

Please come and join us at Couldoran House on Monday March 27 from 5-7pm to find out more about the DIGITAL WOODLAND and let us know what content you would like to see included.

“It takes decades for forests to grow but a Digital Woodland could make it happen in a matter of seconds…”

Kirkland Woodland: Options

LCDC has an obligation to the Forestry Commission to replant the woodland by June, 2023, and in order to meet this deadline, we need a species layout plan, covering an area of about 25 hectares. The plan must be finalised as soon as possible and submitted for approval by the Highlands & Islands Forestry Conservancy. We will also need a woodland plan so that Scottish Forestry can see the rationale for the changes since the licence was granted. Once approved, we can then apply to the Scottish Government for £550 per hectare to assist with the costs of replanting.

What the woodland looks like now – after felling.

Before replanting starts, we need to fence the woodland to keep out the deer. Work on this will start in late March, and we’ve already raised enough funds to cover the £28,000-£30,000 costs. In addition, volunteers including local school students have also invested their time in the project to date, planting 1,200 broadleaf saplings and 400 hedgerow plants.

There are two basic options for replanting the woodland: commercial replanting (mainly sitka spruce, allowing for some areas of natural regeneration) OR native woodland (mainly birch). Both options have their pros and cons (described below) but for various reasons, it would be difficult to compromise between the two (see below). Both would help with carbon sequestration and creation of new habitats for wildlife, to differing extents.

No matter what option is chosen, the community should have its say in the final decision. This will require an Open Meeting and consultation with members.

Option 1

Conifers – commercial. We already have a species layout plan, with sitka spruce the dominant species, plus Scots pine. This would be a future store of timber and wood fuel. In addition, a small percentage of broadleaves would be planted near the watercourses (riparian) to encourage natural regeneration and provide habitat corridors for wildlife.

Option 2

Native woodland – ecology/amenity. Mainly birch would be planted, mixed with other broadleaves such as rowan, hazel, hawthorn, aspen and oak, as well as willow. In order to provide canopy shelter, a small percentage of spruce could be introduced in areas where future projects such as cabins or huts may be sited.

The existing native Scots pine will be kept for regeneration with possibly more planted, to create a more attractive environment and create new habitats for wildlife such as red squirrels, as well as provide future wood fuel for local consumption.

Pros and cons

1. High-density conifers (2,600-3,000 per hectare)


Future source of timber income when harvested.

Future wood fuel would generate long-term revenue and meet local demand.

Create employment/business – during start-up, ongoing and long-term when harvesting starts.

The woodland could be used for teaching – e.g. forestry skills.

As machinery would have to go in, the required infrastructure could be incorporated – e.g. path network. This could be combined with operational tracks to make woodland management easier.


High initial investment – infrastructure, drainage, ground preparation, access tracks.

Ongoing management costs – expert advice and monitoring.

Damage to the ecosystem caused by the use of heavy machinery.

Employment or business creation would show no return until harvesting starts, and thus would need funding until then.

Clear-fell system looks like a battlefield for several years after felling and would not be attractive to visitors or possible paying cabin/hutting customers.

2. Low-density broadleaves (1,600 per hectare)


Lower start-up costs: Less ground preparation and management, reduced infrastructure, lower up-front investment and less forestry expertise needed.

Would create a more pleasant environment for cabins or huts – more open and light. Would improve landscape.

Contribution to biodiversity and a long-term woodland ecosystem. This could further include projects like red squirrel re-introduction which would further enhance local visitor experience and tourism. Creation of new visitor attraction – walkers (paths could be created over time), accommodation (pods/cabins/huts), teaching aid and wood fuel for local consumption. Social benefits – outdoor learning, health and well-being, by providing welcoming and well-managed woodlands.

It is a core aim of the national biodiversity action plan to significantly increase the area of native woodland, creating opportunities for more people to see, enjoy and learn about wildlife.

Cons: The value of the timber crop would be significantly reduced.

What the woodland could look like ten years from now.


If we replanted a mixture of conifers and native woodland, the pros and cons may cancel out each other. Conifers are more valuable the greater the area used because of the economies of scale Half the area would generate significantly less than half the revenues, because of the initial infrastructure costs. In addition, we would need the same degree of expert input to manage the woodland, regardless of the size of the area used for commercial purposes. The attraction value of a native woodland would also be diminished by sitting alongside a commercial operation. It could also be argued that the simpler, the better.

This suggests that we need to make a simple choice between commercial and native woodland, although it may be beneficial to plant a small percentage of low density conifers to provide shelter for birds and mammals in winter, also adding economic value by providing timber in areas earmarked for future projects such as woodland huts, cabins or pods.

So now it’s up to members to express their views and make the final decision.

Did you know? Forestry and timber processing in Scotland is worth a total of about £771 million a year, while £183 million a year comes from forest tourism and recreation.

Halloween event at the tree house 2021

As part of the “Think Health Think Nature” Green Health initiative LCDC ran a Halloween Event at the Treehouse.  What a scary turnout we had, with over 30 people in attendance.  We offered a range of activities from a Sweetie Hunt and some crafting.  Many thanks to our “SeaHag” Judge – Sue Mitchell who had a tough time judging the best costumes.  The children (and some adults) enjoyed some spooky stories from “The Witchdoctor” – Lynda Beveridge as well as some crafting activities.  Special thanks to all those that took part and especially to Babs McCritchie and Annie for their help setting up on the day. 

LCDC Open Meeting: Time For Change 30th Sept 21

LCDC Open Meeting: Time For Change

When: 7pm on Thursday, September 30, 2021

Where: Cafe Ceardach

The recent AGM saw a lot of lively debate and the general consensus was that it would be a good idea to have an Open Meeting to try to chart a way forward for LCDC. Top of the agenda will be a brief report on communications – responding to the call for more transparency and openness.  There will also be updates on progress with the housing project and the plans for the woodland.  Then, we aim to have an open discussion.

All members and potential members are welcome to attend.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Board of Directors

Further community engagement after the AGM.

Thanks to everyone who attended the AGM and talk by Michael Scott last week. It was a welcome change to see a strong attendance and for people to get a chance to air their views how LCDC is doing. Michael’s fascinating talk was a much needed break from the frank exchange of views! We thank him for giving up his evening to talk about his adventures as a wildlife cruise ship speaker.
The LCDC committee are desperately in need of more directors and active members, but it became clear that events of recent years have left members with lots of questions and concerns which need talking through further. It was decided to hold another public meeting as part of this process.
This will take place on the 30th September at 7pm, in Cafe Ceardach once again. Please come along, join up if you are not already a member ( £5 life membership details in comments ) . If you are already a member but didn’t get the email about the AGM, PM with your correct email address.
Together we can push forwards for the benefit of our community!
Vicky ( web admin ) .


Wellness walks for winter 2021

We’re delighted that our development officer has been once again able to access funding to allow the successful ‘Wellness Walks’ from last year to go ahead again. Thanks to organiser Lynda’s enthusiasm, these have provided a vital opportunity for many people to socialise safely outdoors while getting exercise and to explore new places.

children’s activities in Summer Holidays- Report and photos 2021

It’s hard believe the school holidays are over and our children have settled back into school.  Best of luck to all of those entering primary school and moving on up to secondary.  We had a great turnout at our Summer Activities program funded by Green Health “Think Health Think Nature” .  In all 23 children attend our outdoor activities up at Kirkton Community Woodland.   Our younger pupils were eagerly involved in identifying Mini beasts, providing a luxurious new home within the “Bug Hotel”, pond dipping & endless hours of fun with wheelbarrows.  A note to all parents out there wondering what to get their children for Christmas this year – A Wheelbarrow!  As for our older children, they immersed themselves in everything survival.  From making shelters, navigation, foraging, using a kelly kettle and  101 uses an old pair of tights can have in a survival situation.  We promised to hand back children wet and tired and we certainly delivered some drenched looking specimens who surprisingly turned up for more the next day.
Thanks to Angela Goodman for her amazing assistance, the on-going support from our community development officer Kristine Mackenzie, the Cafe Ceardach for providing a wonderful lunch each day & to Green Health for funding these activities.
( Thanks to Lynda for the Photos and write up )

Volunteer day in KW- report and photos- August 2021

Many thanks to Lynda for coordinating lots of activity in Kirkton Woodland & providing photos and write ups.

We had another fruitful volunteer day up at Kirkton community woodland.  Thanks to  volunteers Greg, Toby who assisted local historian Paul Swan to uncover one of the ruined cottages along the heritage trail.  There was much excitement as we uncovered more of the foundation stones.  Leigh came along and helped Lynda along the sensory trail, giving the willow tunnel a bit of TLC & a new up-date in wool carpet fittings courtesy of Keith Pearce.  We would like to thank all those involved so far and encourage more people to come along and get involved.  There are always tasks to be done, it’s a few hours of being outdoors and meeting new folk with jobs to fit all abilities.  We hope to bring you some more dates together in October.  So, please do get intouch with volunteer Lynda Beveridge by email: