iGallery 2017, call for exhibitors

We will be opening up the iGallery again from April to October 2017, inviting local producers, crafts people, artists and makers to showcase and sell their work. We wish to provide a taste of the quality products, gifts and some food items that are made in our local area, the visitor information desk aims to encourage visitors to stay longer in the area, use the smithy hub as a starting point for holiday activities, support local businesses and explore around lochcarron & district more. We aim to creating a positive visitor experience while promoting the community development projects LCDC is involved with.

2016 saw a rise in visitor numbers to the area in general with the NorthCoast500 taking off, we are pleased that a new prestigious architect designed interpretation and information shelter will shortly be built on site, adding to the profile of the Hub and raising roadside visibility. Work will also be starting on the proposed Artisan Dairy and kitchen,  If funding is available this is scheduled to be finished by the end of 2017. These developments will firmly place the Smithy Hub on the map as a location to spend a day and visit regularly. We hope you will join us this year and benefit from all this activity.

iGallery Monthly Prices for 2017

Whole table- 6ft x 2.5ft , 183cm x76cm = £40

Glass cabinet- 4 glass shelves, 38cm x29cm each = £18

Big wall space- 190cm wide x 130cm high = £10

Small wall space- around 100cm wide x 130cm high = £5

Display cabinet shelf – 120cm long x 28cm deep x 30 cm high = £15

Set of 4 ‘cubes’- each cube 39cm x 33cm x33cm =£15

Space for own small display stand – £10

Space for own large display stand – £20

T’s and C’s This year we are reverting back to the previous system of renting out spaces to people rather than taking a commission which was trialed last year. The rent will be payable at the beginning of each month and we require a commitment for the whole season. Exhibitors will need their own product liability insurance, and will be liable for breakages and loss where LCDC has taken all reasonable care and proper security measures. Exhibitors will also need to be legislation compliant with food hygiene certificates and toy safety labeling where relevant. All items will need to be clearly labelled with the exhibitor’s name (or business name) and price. Exhibitors will be responsible for setting up their own spaces and take down at the beginning and end of the season. Promotional materials (business cards & flyers) can be left. Your own table covers and display items may be used as long as LCDC have no concerns about safety, quality and appearance. Please contribute some of your usual packaging materials to the general collection at the front desk.

We hope you will join us for the summer season of 2017. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis, please get back to us before the 10th March to book a place.
contact us via infosmithyhub@gmail.com or 01520 722 952 ( leave message )
